Flu Update

Flu Season Update

Flu Update November 20, 2022 The flu is a contagious respiratory illness that several influenza virus strains can cause. Symptoms of the flu usually appear abruptly and include headache, cough, fever, chills, and body aches. Influenza can cause severe complications – especially in children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems – making it […]

Preventing the Flu

infant girl looking at a doctors stethoscope

  Influenza—commonly known as “the flu”—is a contagious respiratory illness that is caused by the influenza virus. In the U.S., between 5-20% of the population gets the flu annually. Usually, it is mild, but it can become quite severe. In fact, over 200,000 adults and children are hospitalized due to the flu each year. If […]

Flu Shots Are Needed More Than Ever with COVID-19

Flu shots now available graphic

Each year, flu vaccination plays a major role in protecting individual and community health. Now, with the presence of COVID-19, getting vaccinated for the flu is more important than ever before. While there are now several vaccines for COVID-19, it is crucial to protect your overall health as a preventative measure. Here’s what you need […]

Flu Shot FAQ

flu shot reminder

The flu shot is a seasonal vaccine that protects against the 4 influenza viruses that will be most common during the upcoming flu season. In the United States, flu season can begin as early as October and as late as May. An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others from […]

Is it a Cold, COVID-19, or a Sinus Infection?


Updated May 2022 One of the challenging things about recognizing COVID-19 and other illnesses is that they can share some of the same symptoms. Many articles have been written comparing the symptoms of COVID-19 and influenza, as these two illnesses have perhaps the most in common. But many symptoms of COVID-19 also resemble those of […]

How to know if you have a Sinus Infection or Cold

boy sneezing into a tissue

When you have a cough, runny nose and fever, how can you tell whether it’s a cold or a sinus infection? You’ve likely heard the term “the common cold,” but probably not “the common sinus infection.” Keep that in mind: while colds happen frequently, acute bacterial sinus infections are much more infrequent, and usually occur […]

Flu Update for January 2020

Flu Season Update

The flu is a contagious respiratory illness that can be caused by several influenza virus strains. Symptoms of the flu usually appear abruptly, and include headache, cough, fever, chills, and body aches. Influenza can cause severe complications – especially in children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems – making it a serious public […]

Flu Update 2019

Fall is the time for crisp air, colorful leaves, pumpkin spice flavors, longer nights, and, unfortunately, the flu. Starting now and ending around May, America’s flu season has begun. To help you and your family enjoy the months ahead without getting sick, now is the time to start taking precautions against the flu. What can […]

Do you have an upper respiratory tract infection?

Upper respiratory tract infections (URIs) are typically caused by a viral infection (in approximately .5 – 2% of cases it is caused by a bacterial infection) and affect the nose, throat, and airways. URIs are among the most common reasons for a visit to the doctor and, on average, infect around 300 million Americans per […]

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