Why I Picked P.I.C. – Jack Enter, PA-C

Physicians Immediate Care Jack Enter



What is the best part of your job?

By far the best part of my job is seeing patients and their families who allow me the privilege of entering their lives. What our patients allow us to do is an honor that I have always respected. At my practice location, we see many patients time and time again. To know that people trust me with their health care is the most fulfilling part of my job.

Share one of your favorite PIC memories. 

Along the theme that I just mentioned would be the memory of the 16-year-old female and her mom who came in to see us because the teenager had a sore throat that would not go away. They stated that they had seen her primary care provider and had taken antibiotics with no relief. During my physical exam, I discovered that she had an enlarged and tender thyroid gland. I referred her urgently for evaluation and she was found to have thyroid cancer. She is 22 years old and ready to graduate college all because her mom trusted us to come into their lives.